Friday, 28 February 2014

These are the screenshot I promised form the previous video from The Elder Scrolls Online beta:

 My character at the beginning
 When you press the Esc key
 Yeah I fell off a tower and died
Khajiit town
Ship docked at  Vulkhel

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Nerdy News - The Elder Scrolls Online Beta

Elder Scroll Online is soon to be out and here I talk about The Elder Scrolls Online Beta.
Apologies for the length of this video and if I stutter - it was 12:30am.

Thank you for watching.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Nerdy News: Star Wars The Old Republic Free To Play

Star Wars has gone free to play and here I discuss the differences between the different subscriptions.

Thank you for watching

Nerdy News: Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition

Elder Scroll Online is soon to be out and here I talk about the Imperial (special) Edition and the perks of pre-ordering.

Thank you for watching.

Nerdy News: World of Warcraft 100 Million Players

This is a new segment I am starting called Nerdy News. I'll be discussing topics of interest which have been in the news or just general nerd related topics.

Blizzard has announced 100 million players on World of Warcraft - but is this really good news for them?

Thank you for watching.